Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Draft 4

During the production of my magazine I used various different software and hardware. For example, to get pictures for my pages I used the camera on my phone(Droid Turbo 2), the phone was also what I used to edit the photos before uploading the pictures to the computer. After I took the pictures I used G-Mail to email the images to myself in order to be able to upload them to a computer then put them in my magazine. I used G-Mail to upload photos because I have used the website for the same reason in the past and found it to be easier than carrying a flash drive, which includes the risk of forgetting the flash drive and delaying the magazine's production. Everything done on the magazine, whether it be: placing pictures, changing page colors, typing articles, making lists, placing titles, or editing fonts, was all done on Microsoft Excel. At first I had some troubles with the program despite being very familiar with it, but after taking some time to look through all of the tools I was able to become even more familiar with the software and made the production process much simpler.

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