Thursday, March 15, 2018

Draft 3

Throughout this project there has been a large increase in my production skills which have made the project a much more pleasant experience. Some of these skills include: troubleshooting, speaking, and time management.

One of the production skills I was able to develop throughout this project was troubleshooting. I would constantly run into problems when creating my magazine, a major one of them being the cover picture. When I first started working on my cover page a problem I ran into was getting some of the pictures to fit the page so that the quality would be the same as the picture I took. I started experimenting with the size of the picture by changing the size on Excel, but this didn't seem to fix the problem. After multiple failed attempts I finally discovered that the way to fix the problem was to crop the photo on my phone because, unlike cropping on Excel, on my phone the quality of the pictures was not altered by the parts of the photo I had gotten rid of.

Another one of the skills that was well-developed during this project was speaking. I had to do a lot of talking with others when editing the magazine, doing interviews, or getting some feedback from others on changes I should make to the magazine. When editing my project I did a lot of talking with my partner Nick Saslow along with other people who have done this same project. Another instance that improved this skill was either scheduling, or doing interviews. I would have to talk with the person I was going t interview in order to find a good time for them, along with the questions I needed to ask them during the interview. Scheduling the interviews also falls into my time management skills.

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