Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Super Bowl Ads

The most popular advertising technique for all ads is featuring celebrities. Companies that used this technique can include Doritos(Peter Dinklage), Mt. Dew(Morgan Freeman), and M&Ms(Danny Devito). The reason this is a common technique used by advertisers is that the company or brand can gain popularity through the popularity of the celebrity that is featured in the advertisement.

Another common technique used during Super Bowl commercials is the placement of products or logos. Advertisers use this technique by keeping the company or brand's logo with the entertaining part of commercial. For example, in the rap battle commercial for Mt. Dew Ice and Doritos, each brands logo was placed next to whatever celebrity was rapping. This technique makes sure that the viewer actually takes in some information about the product rather than just thinking about how entertaining the commercial was. The reason this technique is used so much is because it keeps the focus on the product so people don't only put focus towards the commercial itself.

In many company's Super Bowl advertisements, they associated themselves with something like a mascot. One example of a brand using this technique is Mt. Dew Kickstart. The mascot used in their commercial was called 'puppy-monkey baby'. This eventually became very popular across the entire internet. The reason this technique is so commonly used is that it provides a way for viewers to remember the advertisement and the product is displays. For example, in the rap battle commercial for Mt. Dew Ice and Doritos, each brands logo was placed next to whatever celebrity was rapping.

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